Paper Pieced Feather – Part I

Recently, I saw a dreamcatcher in someone’s window. It reminded me of the couple years I lived in New Mexico. It also got me thinking about making a dreamcatcher quilt. I decided to start with just a feather.

I first did some quick sketching. This drawing is only about 3 inches tall.

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Next, I drew the feather bigger to fit on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. I sketched this free form with a pencil.

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Then, I used a straight edge to divide up the feather drawing into sections. These sections should correspond to the individual parts of the pattern needed.

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I used my light box to trace the feather sections onto paper piecing paper. (It is a lighter weight paper.)


Before I kept going with drawing the pattern, I wanted to test out the pattern pieces. Here are the sample pieces and the results.


I was happy with the test pieces and then moved forward with creating the whole feather. I’ll show the rest of the process next week. See you then!

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